Taylor’s Medical Abortion

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Taylor terminated her pregnancy using a combination of RU-486 (mifepristone and misoprostol). She shares her story of medical abortion.

I got pregnant when my boyfriend and I were messing around too much in the summer. It was an accident. I thought we were ok at first too but my period didn’t come. I’m on the cheer team and football season was starting. You can’t be a pregnant cheer leader.

Everyone says I should be dating a Travis because the other Taylor dates one. But my boyfriend is Joe. He has an older sister so when I told him I was late I ended up talking to her about it. She helped me make a doctors appointment with the same doctor she sees for girl stuff.

When I went to the appointment I had to get into a gown and have a pelvic exam. While I was still laying on the table I had to have an ultrasound too. It was the kinda of ultrasound they put inside you down there to be able to see when the baby is very small. It feels like having sex with a guy who has turned to plastic.

When that was all done the doctor talked to me about being pregnant. He said I could stay pregnant and have a healthy baby because everything seemed fine. Or I could have an abortion. I told him I wanted to abort because I wasn’t ready for a baby.

He let me chose if I wanted to have the surgery or just take pills. I chose the pills because I don’t like the idea of having surgery or being put to sleep.

After I got dressed the nurse gave me the prescription. Joe and his sister took me to the pharmacy to get the ru-486 pills. We went to their house. And his sister asked me if I was sure I wanted to have an abortion.

I actually wanted to have the baby. I liked knowing that I got pregnant with my boyfriend. He will make cute babies! But I can’t look after a baby yet. So I told her I was sure.

She got me a glass of water and I swallowed the first pill. After she told me that she thought I made the right choice. I felt so weird sitting there knowing I had just swallowed the pills that would get rid of my baby.

I was tempted to try to puke them out and still keep my baby. But I just say with Joe and he rubbed my tummy some as the pills did their job.

I kept touching my tummy all the time. You have to wait two days before you take the other pills. All I could think about was that his baby was inside me and that I wanted it to stay there.

I went back to his house for the second pills. His sister said she would help me and she did. Its really embarrassing that the four pills have to go inside you. She put them into me while I stared at the ceiling.

I wore some big pads and she said to try to relax and just wait. It took about ten minutes before I started to feel cramps. They got stronger as time went on. It hurt a lot. Then all of a sudden I felt like I had to go use the washroom really bad.

Some blood and stuff came out into the toilet when I did. As soon as it did the cramps started to get less. I flushed it.

I kept bleeding for a while but just like a period would be. I went back to that doctor in two weeks and he checked and I wasn’t pregnant anymore.

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